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The dating web site industry is an extremely competitive one with hundreds of sites fighting over the world's singles population.

Photos are the principal asset of any dating site. Photos attract new subscribers. The better your photos look, the more new subscribers you will attract. Photos also have the enormous benefit of humanizing the site to create a more "real" and appealing environment. Unfortunately, in most cases the photos being uploaded by members have an opposite effect. The photos are inconsistent - are of different sizes, quality and resolution. They are often so sub-standard that the impression new visitors get is one of a cheap and cheesy environment. That's why and Yahoo Personals among others spend thousands of dollars on making sure their members' main photos are as consistent in size and resolution as possible. Why? Curb appeal is one of a dating sites most valuable qualities.
The problem:
Most dating sites that crop photos use some variation of a manual cropping process that may be semi-automated but usually involves some human intervention to make work.

Any manual process that requires human intervention is by default expensive and time consuming. And as your member base size grows, it gets more so. Once you reach profitability, you may be cropping thousands of photos per day. That is, if you care about what your site looks like to new members.

Manual cropping takes time…

Members who are eager to get started on your dating site often have to wait hours or days to get their photos cropped and approved.

Making your customers wait for their photos to be approved can cause problems too:
The member may get frustrated and lose interest
The member could be ignored by other members because of the missing photo
Members may not understand why their photo is unavailable and consume your customer support resources asking about that. Sound familiar?
Your goal should be a minimal approval time.

Manual cropping could get really expensive… Many dating sites use off-shore resources to reduce the cost of cropping. A reasonable solution yet, dealing with off-shore resources is many time complicated, difficult and has its own problems such as communication. Also, this doesn't solve the time problem.
The solution:
As the leading provider of online dating photo services we understand the importance of photos and we know the pain (financial and otherwise) that surrounds the photo cropping problem.

We've created the perfect, painless solution to this problem -- an automated tool that will crop photos as soon as they are uploaded by your member -- quickly, effortlessly and without human intervention. For pennies on the dollar, you can now turn those sub-standard snapshots that degrade the overall appeal of your site into attractive, consistently-sized headshots.
How it works:
Our tool is easy to integrate with your site and implement.

1. Installation:
Depending on your needs and system configuration, you can either install our software on your server (local install) or use the software on our server (remote install).(tell me more)

2. Integration: Integration is dirt simple. You'll simply call the cropping function from your program code wherever and whenever you'd like the cropping function to be performed (tell me more)
Programming languages we support:
All programming languages are supported (ASP / VB6 / VBS, .NET, PHP among others).
Our technologically amazing cropping tool uses advanced algorithms to crop close to 90% of all images that have a "human face" -- blurry and fuzzy photos as well as clear ones. Even photos that show profiles or partial profiles can be cropped perfectly. Black and white, color, sepia toned or photos with sub-standard color balance or contrast will also be cropped into attractive, consistent headshots. Please visit our online demo!
Cropping size:
You determine the size of the cropped area. Most dating sites currently crop at around 100 pixels wide and 100 pixels high (give or take). This is an adjustable parameter you can control.
Click here for pricing.
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How does the software know where the face is located?

We use advanced face recognition algorithms to identify the face in the photo. Our team has been working around the clock to create this remarkable tool.

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